2025 Easter Holiday Schedule

Precision Strip Transport Running on Natural Gas

Precision Strip Transport is joining a cooperative effort with Heritage Coop and Trillium CNG to build public CNG (compressed natural gas) infrastructure to allow Precision Strip trucks to operate on a 50/50 mix of diesel and CNG. The public CNG station will be located on the corner of Bales Road and State Route 31 south of Kenton, Ohio. It will open in Spring 2014 with three Diesel islands and three CNG/Diesel islands with Class 8 truck access.
Converting our trucks to run on compressed natural gas will help offset the steadily increasing cost of operating and maintaining our truck fleet.  A dual fuel truck emission reduces carbon monoxide by 83%, carbon dioxide by 16%, nitrix oxides (smog/acid rain) by 27% and particulate matter (soot) by 25% compared to the current 100% diesel unit. We will initially convert a third of our Kenton fleet to dual fuel with a goal of having 100% of the Kenton fleet running on CNG by the end of 2016.
An additional benefit is that the fuel is produced domestically which supports Ohio’s economy (Utica Shale production) and reduces our national dependence on foreign oil imports.
The decision to convert to CNG will provide numerous benefits to our environment, our economy, and our financial viability.

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